Opening Ceremonies (Berlin,1936)
Adolf Hitlers Olympic commence , and a young athlete-Eduard Reichman- dedicates his life to his Fiehrer.
Paraguay , 1976
In a daring raid on a secret Nazi shrine,three invaders die.One -Aaron Miller - escapes with an awesome relic : the urn containing Hitler's ashes. Now the terrified Nazi chieftains have st to loose Das kettenhunsd to retrieve it-Hitlers "Chain dog "Eduard Reichman.But Reichman has a plan that recquires the death of a world leader...a plan that wil pit him against the secret agents of several nations...against his fellow Nazis..against hts own fellow long-thwarted needs ... against a beautiful , tormanred Nazi hunter...and against a vengeance-obsessed American named Aaron Miller. Soon they will meet.In an unscheduled Olympic contest-to-the-death.In the final seconds of the closing ceremonies.
To Be And Not To Be
14 years ago
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